Mandatory Testing for PCBs in Schools
PCBs, known as polychlorinated biphenyls, are a persistent organic pollutant that was banned by the United States Congress in 1979 and by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants in 2001.
PCB exposure is associated with permanently depressed IQ, increased risk of attentional deficits, hormonal and immune disruptions, among other serious health problems. PCBs are known to cause cancer in animals, and are considered possible carcinogens in humans.
Though PCBs were banned, it still exists in many school buildings built between the 1930's and late 1970's. What is very disturbing is that thousands of school children are unkowingly being exposed to PCBs, and there are no laws or regulations mandating school districts to test for its presence. School districts have to test for asbestos and lead, but not for PCBs
Mission Statement
The purpose of this web site is to educate and increase awareness among the general public, political leaders, federal, state and local health agencies, environmental consultants about PCB contamination in our schools, and the need for Mandatory Testing.
Did You Know?
Plaintiffs sanctioned in PCB Lawsuit
City of Hartford, School Board Filed A Suit Against Monsanto For PCB Cleanup?
Why So Many Schools in Connecticut Probably Have Toxic PCBs – But Aren’t Being Tested?
Grant Parish' School Board is suing Monsano, Solutia Inc. and Pharmacia Corporation?
More PCBs found at Mohansic Elementary School in Yorktown Heights, NY?
Princeton sues Monsanto,Solutia and Pharmacia?
Long-Banned Chemicals Still in Paint, Contaminating Chicago Air?
America Unites for Childen and Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility Lawsuit Against Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District
Hartford's Budget Proposal Puts PCB Cleanup at Clark Elementary School at $4M
The Town of Westport, Mass. is suing Monsanto for PCB contamination?
Students in the Hartford Schools have to be relocated due to PCBs?
Princeton has joined other Massachusetts school districts in a class action lawsuit involving PCBs in school buildings?
The Missouri Court rejected Monsanto's claim that it had no duty to cancer victims; Allen Stewart, P.C. announces Appellate victory for plaintiffs in PCB-cancer case?
The PCB contamination and cleanup at the Mohansic Elementary School in Yorktown Heights in 2012?
The PCB sampling of buildings in San Francicso?
A school district in Massachusetts withheld air sampling reports from parents?
PCBs Could Pose RIsk for Property Buyers and Sellers, and Affect Values?
Latest News
News 1
Students in thr Hartford School District are relocaing due to PCB COntmination .
News 2
The law firm of Baron & Budd is offering free PCB testing to schools that were built between 1950 and 1980..
Photos of PCB Contaminated Schools

Approximately 591 cubic yards of soil were excavated and transported and disposed off site at
Clean Earth of Philadelphia, Inc.

PCB Contaminated Masonry Caulking on front column at the
French Hill Elementary School in Yorktown Heights, N.Y.
Caulk contained 60,000 ppm of PCB (Aroclor 1254 and 1260). Caulk is 6.0% PCB.
Wipe sample of caulk yielded 22,700 ug/100 cm2.PCBs migrated/ leached to the top surface of caulk.
Link to French Hill Final PCB Report

PCB Removal Project at Lake Region School in Maine
Notice the abatement and removal of the surrounding window brick.Click here to view more photos

Middle School in Massachusetts. with PCB-laden caulk.
Caulk has 5,010 ppm of PCB (Aroclor 1254)
Middle School Sample Report